Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sell What You Have

Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. Luke 12:33

Until recently, I didn't care much about money. As a stay at home mom with a large family, I tried to be frugal and be content with what I had. My husband worked and paid the bills. Overall, I just didn't think about money much. 

When I became aware of the needs of the orphans in Eastern Europe, and then became friends with some of the people living there, serving these children, money suddenly became more important. Suddenly, I wanted some so that I could help.

One great source of money to be able to give, is selling stuff. Look around your house and see through new eyes. When you want to help little children and your brothers and sisters in Christ, you start to see your stuff so differently. You see so many things that you don't need, things that you would rather give to be able to help someone. It becomes uncomfortable to live with excess when others live in need.

There is One Church, One Body, One Family. The Bible says when one part of the Body suffers, all suffer.

A friend of mine was able to cut her grocery bill by about half one month and use the money to help an orphan in need of a family! That to me is a picture of New Testament Christianity.

I often ask, Does God bless us just so that we can be blessed? Are we to stick our blessings into a big fat cushion and sit contentedly upon it? Or are we blessed so that we can share our blessings with others and then receive an even greater blessing ourselves than what we had to begin with?

The verse I shared in the previous post is a parable showing that we can persistently go to our Father when we want to help others. Sometimes though, He will show us things that we can do. "Sell your possessions and give to the poor." 

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