Sunday, May 1, 2011

Faith for Christopher

I thought that Kathleen would have a family before Christopher. I thought she had a better chance. Chance? Really? But I prayed for Kathleen to get a family. What did chance have to do with it? I know it's really silly to pray about something and then think in terms of statistics. How often do I pray about something then start doing the math and decide it's unlikely to happen?

There are 53 boys on the Down's Syndrome Boys 6+ page. Wow...53. He seems so lost on that page. What are the chances of Christopher getting a family? I'm just being honest...I think that very thought sometimes.

But I need to stop thinking that thought. If I'm praying, I need to have faith in God alone and stop taking any account of anything else.

Lord, Please help Christopher. Please make a way for him to feel Your Love. Please keep him safe wherever he is. Please bring parents who look into his eyes and see their son. Please make a way for him to be rescued.

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