Sunday, April 24, 2011

Supporting The Bible Orphan Ministry

I don’t know a lot about how ministries raise support.  Obviously churches pass the offering plate at their services, and I know that many missionaries visit churches to present their work. By doing so, churches often take an offering for the missionaries and some commit to ongoing support.

The way I see it, one of the greatest strengths of the Bible Orphan Ministry team is that they are Ukrainian. They minister to people of their own language and culture. There is a huge advantage in being able to communicate the gospel because they know how best to say things.

Some of the team members also know what it is like to be left in an orphanage, or to have some of the difficulties that the children they minister to experience. That also makes it possible for them to relate to the children and empathize with them like few other people could. They can say, “I’ve been there, I know what it’s like.” And then they can share about Jesus and what He has done in their lives, leaving Hope with children who before had none.

They also have an ongoing ministry to the same orphanages, which means they are able to build relationships and nurture the small seeds that are planted. They are not just doing short-term missions which provide a need, and then are never seen again. They are able to learn the names of the children, get to know them…truly love the children and give the children someone to look forward to and love in return. How precious is that?

On the flip side, one of the difficulties for the Bible Orphan Ministry is that they’re Ukrainian. They cannot just hop on a plane and come and share their work and their needs with the churches. Although, Alla does an excellent job on their blog sharing about the work they do.

The economic situation in their country makes it hard to raise support there. And the people they minister to can’t come to church and put something in the offering plate. So what is the answer?

I am a believer in THE Church. The Body of Christ, God’s family…made up of brothers and sister of the same Father. As The Church, I believe that we are to share what we have and help our brothers and sisters, no matter where they are. I Corinthians 12:16 tells us that if one part of the body suffers...all suffer.

The Bible Orphan Ministry sees the needs around them every day. They want to help. They share what they have. They pray and ask for the Lord’s provision for the needs.

Many of us already have a heart for the orphans of Eastern Europe. We have learned of the needs, and many of us are able to help. Even if we cannot travel and help the children ourselves, we can still be an answer to prayers. The Lord can use us to provide for the needs of these children by sending a donation to those who will use it right away to meet those needs.

Even the smallest gifts will be put to good use and will make a big difference. Please consider giving what you can to help.

 I love this picture. It's a picture of the children running to meet them. The children were waiting because they knew people who cared about them were coming to visit and spend time with them, to teach them a lesson from the Bible, and play with them. You can read more about it in this post from Bible Oprhan Ministry blog

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