Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Christopher and Nick

Christopher was born in 2004. He's 6 1/2.

I have a little boy who was also born in 2004. He's 6 1/2 too. Nick is just a couple of months older than Christopher. Nick was born into our large family. From the time of his birth he was held close and nurtured and loved. He was surrounded by parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

 What were Christopher's first days like? Was he comforted when he cried? When no one came, did he eventually just stay quiet?

When my Nick was three he really only said a few words. When he was four he knew a few signs and could say some words that his family understood. As his mother, I was a little protective of him during this time. I was there to help him when he tried to communicate. I was there to help alleviate frustration. I was there to help prevent misunderstanding. His speech has really come along and he doesn't need that so much now. People understand him pretty well. He is more confident and less frustrated now that he has words.

I wonder who spoke up for Christopher? Who taught him and helped him through? Does he have any words at 6 1/2? Or like the the crying, did he eventually just give up and be quiet? Really, do words even have much of a place where his is? Do words matter when you are just shuffled through your same institutional routine day after day? When you are just surviving..just getting by. Does it matter if you use words to ask for something when you're just going to get what you get anyway? Does it matter if you use words to share thoughts or ask questions when no one has time to listen? Does it matter if you use words to say that someone hurt you when there is no one to tell?

Christopher is only 6 1/2.  I know in reference to adoption it sounds old, but if you don't have one, find a 6 1/2 year old boy and see that he is still a little boy. He still needs a Mama. Christopher needs someone to speak for him. To care about all of the little things that he needs. To cheer him on when he finds his words. He needs a family who will learn to understand his attempts and care about whatever he has to say.

I'm praying for Christopher. He seems buried on the RR boys 6+ page. I know I don't visit that page very often. I saw his sweet face on someone's blog one day. So that's why I'm holding him up too. For someone to find he can be rescued.

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