Friday, April 6, 2012

Gifts for Graduates Project

My dear friends in Ukraine, The Bible Orphan Ministy, have begun a new project. Each year orphans reach the maximum age and  "graduate". Graduation sounds like a good thing, but it isn't always. These teens must leave the orphanage which is the only home most of them have. You can read more about it on the Bible Orphan Ministry's blog in this post.

They have begun the Gifts for Graduates Project to raise money to purchase gifts for some of the children who will be leaving the orphanages. They would like to bless 80 teens with a gift of kitchen utensils and a blanket. They would like to spend $22.75 on each teen. They have only one month to raise $1820.

Lets pray for the team and the graduates. Let's help them raise the sum they need to purchase something for the children. In most cultures, 16 isn't old enough to be turned out into the world. It would be nice for them to have a little something that they need and to know that someone cared enough about them to give them a gift on their graduation day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sweet friend for spreading the word. We appreciate it very much.Love you!
